Kodi i Sjelljes

Duke u rregjistruar dhe duke luajtur Games ju pranoni Kodin e Sjelljes.

Eshte pergjegjesia ju te dini, kuptoni dhe pranoni Kodin e Sjelljes.

The following rules are not meant to be exhaustive, and we reserves the right to determine which conduct it considers to be outside the spirit of the game and to take such disciplinary measures as it sees fit up to and including termination and deletion of the account.

1. emri i perdoruesit

Each user is required to choose a username on registering and this can then be seen by others using the Games. In particular, you may not use any username:

  1. Duke i përkuar një përsoni tjetër me qëllim që të personalizoj atë person.;
  2. referruar te dhe/ose duke u perpjekur te behet Soccer Manager ose ndonje nga produktet e saj,duke perfshire SMFA;
  3. Kjo përfshin gjuhë vulgare apo të cilat përndryshe janë ofenduese, shpifëse, të pahijëshme, të urrejtëshme, apo racore, etnike ose ndryshe te pakendeshme;
  4. I lidhur me drogen, seksin, alkoholin, apo aktivitet kriminale.

If we find such a name to be offensive or improper, we may, in our sole and absolute discretion, change the username, and take the appropriate action against and/or suspend your account.

2. Llogaritë e shumëfishta

You are only allowed one club in any Game World in Soccer Manager Worlds. If we believe that you have more than one account in any Game World (linked to point 3), we may, in our sole and absolute discretion, take the appropriate action against and/or suspend your account.

3. Tregu i transferimeve

Ka nje sere menyrash sesi ju mund te konsideroheni se keni thyer rregullat ne lidhje me transferimet

  1. Përdorimi i llogarive të shumëta (pika 2) për të manipuluar tregun e transfereve (pika 3b, 3c, 3d dhe 3e);
  2. Per te rene dakord per shitjen e nje lojtari te nje menaxher tjeter ne nje Game World dhe si kthim per te ta shitur ty nje tjeter lojtar ne tjeter Botët e Lojës;
  3. Bashkimi i nje Game World ne te cilen per momentin je menaxher apo nje shoke eshte menaxher per te ndaluar menaxherin per marrjen e lojtar ( e derguar ne piken 2);
  4. Bashkimi i nje Game World ne te cilin tashme je menaxher ose nje shok eshte menaxher per te leshuar nje lojtar si Lojtar i lire keshtu qe ata mund ta marrin ne klub tjeter ( e vendosur ne piken 2);
  5. Hyni neGame World ju jeni aktualisht nje menaxher ose nje mik eshte nje menaxher per te transferuar lojtaret brenda/jashte per perfitimin e nje ekipi;
  6. Planifikimi per ta lene nje Game World ne te cilen ti je menaxher dhe transferimi i lojtarit brenda / jashte per te perfituar njeri klub , dhe ri-nenshkrimi nga klubi ne pyetje njeher trasfnerimi kompletohet ( e vendosur ne piken 2 );

If we believe that you have broken the rules in relation to the match results, it may, in its sole and absolute discretion, take the appropriate action against and/or suspend your account.

4. Rezultatet e Lojës

There are numerous ways in which you could be classed as breaking the rules in relation to match results in Soccer Manager Worlds:

  1. Bashkimi i nje Game World ne te cilen tashme jeni menaxher apo nje shok eshte menaxher per te ndryshuar rezultatet duke luajtur me nje ekip te dobet ( e vendosur ne piken 9);
  2. Duke u futur ne nje Game World ku ju jeni menaxher ose nje shoke juaj eshte menaxher per te kurdisur ndeshjet duke vendosur lojtaret ne nje pozicion ku ata nuk luajne mire (shenim te pika 2)..

NeseSoccer Manager beson se ju keni thyer rregullat persa i perket rezultatit te ndeshjeve,mund,me pushtetin e tij te vetem dhe absolut, te ndermarre veprimin a duhur dhe/ose te pezulloje llogarine tuaj.

5. Botë Loje e Zakonshme

If you are the owner of a Custom Game World in Soccer Manager Worlds you cannot abuse the privileges which go with it by:

  1. Making threats towards another manager to conduct transfers with you;;
  2. Threatening to sack any manager or are abusive towards them in the hope that they resign;.
  3. Requesting a manager to buy a player from your club or sell a player to your club if you allow them to enter your Custom Game World..

If we believe that you have abused the privileges which go with a Custom Game World, we may, in our sole and absolute discretion, take the appropriate action against and/or suspend your account.

6. Komunikim

The following forms of message are deemed as unacceptable within our Games either to other users or members of our support team:

  1. Threatening in nature;;
  2. Harass, threaten, or cause distress or discomfort;.
  3. Incorporates vulgar language or which are otherwise offensive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;.
  4. Related to drugs, sex, alcohol, or criminal activity;.
  5. Impersonate the SMFA or any other Soccer Manager employee..

If we believe that you have sent unacceptable messages, we may, in our sole and absolute discretion, take the appropriate action against and/or suspend your account.

7. gabim/boshllek

If we believe that you have exploited any errors or loopholes within the Games to gain an unfair advantage, we may, in our sole and absolute discretion, take the appropriate action against and/or suspend your account.

1 mars, 2019

We may at any time revise these terms and conditions without notice.

Please check regularly.

Continued use of the Games after a change has been made is your acceptance of the change.

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